Why Fortefina?

Wall Street Caliber intelligence on a Main Street budget


We’ve helped some of the largest banks in the country get bigger, better and more efficient. Now we’re using this experience to help small to middle market financial institutions get bigger, better and more efficient.

In today’s information economy, the largest banks deploy billion-dollar technology budgets to transform data into strategic assets, gaining an unfair advantage over smaller financial institutions.

We level the playing field between Wall Street and Main Street by taking the same business intelligence, market insights and strategic planning available to Wall Street firms (on Wall Street budgets) and delivering these capabilities to Main Street (on Main Street budgets).


Source: Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.


Since 2000, over 5,000 bank charters have disappeared from the U.S. financial landscape. At the current pace, more than three banks a week are exiting the industry. We call this trend survival of the biggest. Simply put, it’s never been more challenging to be a community financial institution in the U.S.

Our mission at Fortefina is to not only help our nation’s community banks and credit unions survive, it’s to help them rise up and dominate again. We believe the vitality of the local communities they serve depends on it.



With Fortefina, banks and credit unions gain exclusive access to:



Competitive intelligence used by c-suite leaders at the country’s biggest banks.


Economic insights produced by corporate treasury teams at the top money center banks.


Portfolio benchmarking used by product managers running the largest deposit and credit books in the country.


Market analytics used by retail banking leaders managing large regional and nationwide branch networks.


Strategic playbooks developed by big bank corporate strategy teams embarking on 5-year strategic plans.

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Our Fortress Balance Sheet™ program is intended for banks and credit unions

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Our BankMark platform is catered to financial service providers

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Our Fortress Bank Index is designed for fund managers and investment advisors
